Carotid Duplex Ultrasound

Purpose of the Test

This ultrasound helps us see the arteries that bring blood to the brain. It uses high frequency sound waves. This test looks for any blockages in the carotid arteries and grades the severity of these blockages.

Patient Instructions


  • Take prescribed medicines unless told not to by your doctor.


  • Wear normal street clothes.

The Test

  • Once in the test room, you will lie down on a table or bed.
  • We will place a probe on your neck. Sound waves will bounce off the carotid arteries and create a picture on a video screen. You will feel nothing during the test except slight pressure when the probe is placed firmly against the skin.
  • We will take several views of your carotid arteries on both sides of your neck. When done we give the information to the doctor for review.
  • The test takes 30 to 40 minutes.

If you have any questions, please call CentraCare Heart & Vascular Center at 320-656-7020 or 800-448-3455.