Shared Governance
At St. Cloud Hospital, Shared Governance is practiced through a decision-making model which encompasses a partnership between staff and leaders, collectively working toward a common goal of providing quality patient- and family-centered care. This model empowers RNs to use their clinical knowledge and expertise to impact decisions regarding their professional practice. RNs at St. Cloud Hospital serve in key roles by participating in hospital based patient care committees structured by shared governance and administrative teams.
- Administrative Patient Care Committee (APCC) /Administrative Nursing Practice (ANP)
- Clinical Patient Care Committee (CPCC)/Clinical Nurse Practice (CNP)
- Administrative Nurse Practice Committee – Performance Improvement (ANPC-PI)
- Resource Management Committee
- Education Committee
- Leadership Committee
- Patient Safety Committee
- Workplace Violence Prevention Committee
- Patient Experience Committee
- Nursing Research Review Board (NRRB)
- Nursing Research and EBP Committee
- Clinical Documentation Committee
- Product Value Analysis Committee
- Department/Unit Staff Meeting
- Department Based Unit Committees
Transformational Leadership
RNs at St. Cloud Hospital are transformational leaders. Through transformational leadership, RNs advocate for resources (fiscal and technical), develop and support department goals, and improve the overall work environment. The RN leader engages in teamwork as a team player and team builder by transforming attitudes, values, and behaviors.
Staff Engagement
As measured by the Nursing Excellence Survey and the Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Survey, nurses at St. Cloud Hospital are enthusiastic and display a positive attitude and willingness to perform and learn at work. Engaged employees are valued by the organization and all employees are active in action planning to optimize the work environment. Recognized as a World Class Organization, CentraCare Health has been named the #1 Best Place to Work in Minnesota.