CentraCare - Plaza Rehabilitation

About This Location

Do you have joint pain, a brain injury, fibromyalgia or a disease such as cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis? If so, a physiatrist may be able to help you. CentraCare’s physiatrists work with the rehab team to evaluate the impact of a condition on the whole person — medically, socially, emotionally and vocationally — and help their patients understand and take control of their health.

Why Choose St. Cloud Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation?

  • Comprehensive services for all ages
  • Skilled, multidisciplinary team
  • High-volume center
  • Offer adult specialty programs
  • Results that help get you back to life!

Integrated Behavioral Health Available

Members of the Integrated Behavioral Health teamwork to help you manage chronic illness, stress, adjustments to change along with substance use and other mental health issues.

If needed, members of our care team can meet with you during your provider appointments.

Learn more now.


  • Spinal strengthening
  • Physical, occupational or speech therapy
  • Trigger point injections
  • Spinal injections
  • Medication management
  • Behavioral counseling
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