Gift Strategies


Learn how to help others and CentraCare by using one of the most popular and simplest ways to make a gift.

Beneficiary Designations

Continue supporting our work even after your lifetime by naming us as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance or insurance annuity assets.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Learn more about how to make a donation and, in turn, receive a fixed annuity payment each year for life.

Charitable IRA Rollover

If you’re 70½ or older, you can make charitable gifts now to CentraCare Foundation using funds from your individual retirement accounts (IRAs) without undesirable tax effects.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

In the right circumstances, this plan can increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support.

Endowed Gifts

Discover a powerful way to make a gift to us in your name or in the name of a loved one while realizing tax benefits for your kindness.

Give Your Home, But Live There for Life

Find out how you can make a gift to CentraCare Foundation of a remainder interest in your home, receive sizable tax benefits now and continue living in your home for the rest of your life.

Donor Advised Funds

Access the giving power of a private foundation without the expense or complexity.

Charitable Lead Trusts

Make a donation now while reducing the tax burden for your heirs in the future.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these gift strategies, please contact CentraCare Foundation at or 320-240-2810 or 800-835-6652, ext. 52810.