A Big Heart That Keeps On Giving
Everyone who knew him, knows that Dennis Zaun had a big heart. He was hardworking man with a great sense of humor who always was willing to help others. That’s why it was no surprise that Dennis and his wife, Karen, were generous supporters of CentraCare Foundation and other community organizations.
Dennis’ connection to CentraCare started after he experienced a heart attack in 2000. Impressed by the lifesaving care he received, the Zauns looked for ways they could give back to support this high-quality health care for their family, friends and customers in Central Minnesota.

“He would often tell others that the doctors and staff at St. Cloud Hospital saved his life, and he would share how impressed he was of the level of health care available in Central Minnesota,” said his son, Steve.
Dennis wanted their contributions to be an investment in improving health care for the community.
“During his follow-up visits, Dennis often asked his cardiologist about the newest heart advancements and the vision of the heart program,” added his son, Todd.
As a business owner, Dennis worked hard and was well-respected by those he served. He was a CPA who initially worked for Price Waterhouse before buying a small accounting practice in Wadena. To build his practice, he moved to St. Cloud in the late 1970s where he served community bank clients throughout Minnesota.
In his second career as a banker, he served as President of the Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Pierz and also was involved with banks in Park Rapids and Eden Valley.
Even after his sudden death in April 2020, Karen and their sons, Todd and Steve, knew that Dennis would want to continue to support CentraCare. In his honor, they made contributions to CentraCare Foundation to support the Heart & Vascular Center and the St. Benedict’s Community Capital Campaign.
Dennis’ big heart continues to help others.