Why We Give — Donor Profiles
Our employees give to the CentraCare Employee Campaign for many reasons. See why employees support these programs.
Cheyenne Orcutt, 2024 Employee Campaign Chair
Why I Give ...

and her family
I donate to the CentraCare Employee Campaign because I continue to see what a difference the funds make in people’s lives. I feel it is my duty to give back to an organization that takes such great care of our communities. After making a gift, I feel genuine joy and gratitude. I am proud that I’ve contributed to a worthy cause and grateful that we have this opportunity to give back.
When I was in graduate school for my master’s degree in social work, I came across this quote, “I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that, then I realized I am somebody.” Those words made an immediate and lasting impression on me; I’ve lived by that quote by advocating for those who were unable to do so for themselves.
In my previous role as Manager of the Central Minnesota Child Advocacy Center (CAC), I witnessed the impact of employee campaign funding on child abuse victims and their families. They were able to receive the necessary support after a traumatic experience without having to worry about how they were going to pay for those services. I saw children leaving the CAC with smiles on their faces and caregivers who looked reassured and felt supported.
Contributions of any amount help transform the lives of our patients, employees and communities. YOU have the power to be that somebody who makes a lasting difference!
Justin Fenske, Emergency Preparedness Program Coordinator, CentraCare – Redwood Falls and Willmar
Why I Give ...

I donate to the Employee Campaign because it gives me an opportunity to improve CentraCare for both the employees and the communities we serve.
My wife is a second-grade teacher and recently read “What If Everybody Did That?” to her class. The book teaches kids to consider how impactful small actions, such as littering, would be if everyone else did that, too. I think of donating to the Employee Campaign in much the same way. Each paycheck, I make a small donation to the Campaign which alone doesn’t go very far — but what if everyone did that? A donation of any size to the campaign is a wonderful thing for our organization and, collectively, we have an incredible opportunity to improve the safety of our employees and the health of our communities. I feel pleased and fortunate that I can play a small role in the Employee Campaign, and I know my donation is appreciated and will be put to good use.
Katie Weisbrich, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist and Rehab Manager, CentraCare – Melrose
Why I Give ...

I donate to the employee campaign because of the positive impact it has on patients and the community, plus feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I’m helping to make a difference.
Because of Employee Campaign funding, the Melrose Rehab department was able to renovate a space for our developing pediatric rehab program. Not only do we now have a pediatric gym, but we also have the supplies and assessments needed to be able to treat this population. The success is that now many families with children that need therapy services can remain in the Melrose community versus driving 30-40 minutes. We often hear from families how grateful they are that they do not have to drive to St. Cloud for some of their therapy, the majority being Occupational Therapy. This program started about three years ago when our pediatric Occupational Therapist joined the team. She is now seeing approximately 35 pediatric patients on caseload and this number continues to grow.
The Employee Campaign is a great way to give back to our community, as that is where the positive impact is seen. We work here to serve our community, and donating any amount makes a difference. The Rehab department is a great example of this and aligns with our shared vision of “Making Rural Lives Healthier.”
I am grateful to have the opportunity to support the Foundation and be a part of the positive impact the Employee Campaign provides to our patients, community and employees of Melrose CentraCare.
Janelle M. Terhaar, APRN, CNP, APP, Clinical Section Lead/Patient Experience Provider Lead, CentraCare – Long Prairie
Why I Give ...

I recently moved to the Long Prairie area with my family and am so happy to give back to the community we call home. I donate to the Employee Campaign because I have a say where the funds go, can see how they help our patients locally, plus I feel JOY after making a gift.
A recent example that shows the impact we’re making is the distribution of home blood pressure monitors for patients who have a difficult time getting to the clinic. Since many of these patients are on Medicare, which does not cover the cost of this type of home equipment, 100 machines were purchased with funds from CentraCare Foundation Long Prairie Greatest Needs Funds. As a result, I have been able to help patients control their pressure at home, allowing them to take better care of themselves.
If everyone from a large group gives a small amount, it adds up quickly and makes a BIG impact! We are all working together to achieve one overall goal; to live healthy, happy lives that provide us with a sense of purpose because we’re making a difference.
Tiffany Baune, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Specialty Clinic Manager, CentraCare – Monticello
Why I Give ...

I donate to the Employee Campaign because I believe it’s important to contribute to my community. It brings a sense of ownership and appreciation for the things around me. It makes me feel great knowing my contributions are going to local causes that I believe in, plus I can see the direct impact.
Charitable funds have improved the Monticello campus in so many ways. The wall murals provide a sense of peace and joy to patients and staff. The gym and massage chairs help employees stay active and grounded because they have time to decompress, which supports their mental and physical health. Funds have also helped the community by taking part in the bounce back project to bring counselors and social workers to our local schools. I truly value CentraCare’s support of holistic health and wellness.
Every donation counts and if we all do our part, we can accomplish great things together. I believe that giving is a great example to set for our families and teammates; showing that we are contributing to the greater good of the community. One small act of kindness will inspire others to do more and be more!
Todd Lemke, Pharmacist, CentraCare – Paynesville and Melrose
Why I Give ...
I give to the Employee Campaign because I see the impact of my giving every day in my work life. I know if each of us didn’t play a part that couldn’t happen.
We all recognize that medications can be expensive, but necessary. That often puts people who need medication but cannot afford it in a bind. Thanks to employee and community giving, our pharmacy can provide necessary medication to those patients in need until other programs can help them. These funds have kept people out of the emergency room or hospital and may have even saved lives thanks to employee campaign gifts.
Patient confidentiality doesn’t allow me to share all the stories about when we have used donated dollars to pay for a medication for someone who had to decide between spending limited funds on medication or their food and rent. These individuals are always so grateful. I want employees to know how their gifts to the Employee Campaign are helping those in need.
The Employee Campaign is a way employees can make a difference. A gift of any size when pooled together with other employees’ donations can make a big impact. Whether it is funding the pediatric therapy space in Melrose or the Read Out & Read program, we are making life better for the community that supports us.
I give to the campaign because I am part of a community. It’s easy to have a job, take the paycheck home and not give anything in return. I recognize that it is the community that comes to our clinics, hospitals and uses our services. It is the community that really pays my paycheck and makes sure I have a job to support my family. It makes sense for me to support that community.