Top Stories of 2020
The year 2020 was filled with many new challenges. And while we were all learning the "new normal," we had many great patient stories and blog posts from our providers to help us along the way.
Here are our top stories of 2020.
The 5 Keys to the Magic of Sexual Desire for Women, by Joni Steffens, APRN, CSC
What to Know About Wearing Masks in Public, by Ulrika Wigert, MD
Skip the Maskne -- Not the Mask, by Christina Anderson, MD
A Mother's Day Unlike Any Other
100 calorie snacks, by Hannah Osterndorf, RD, LD
Dos and Don’ts of Mask Wearing, by Rebecca Stepan, MD
Intermittent Fasting Q&A, by Penny Leen, APRN, CNP