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Adding fiber to your diet

Published in Weight Management, For the Health of It 

It is important that Americans get at least 25 grams of fiber per day.

There are many ways to incorporate more fiber into your diet! First, replacing refined products with whole grain products (i.e. quinoa, whole grain bread, wild rice) will help to improve fiber intake. Make sure when choosing food, “whole grain” is the first ingredient listed on the nutrition ingredient list.

Naturally high fiber foods include fresh fruits, vegetables, lentils, nuts and seeds. You can meet your fiber recommendation just by having two cups of fruit and 2½ cups of vegetables every day along with whole grains and beans.

Here are some easy ways to add fiber to foods you are already eating:

  • Add vegetables to stews and casseroles
  • Add oats to meatloaf or breads.
  • Add fruit to cereal or yogurt
  • Do not peel your fruit, eat the skins.

Foods naturally high in fiber include pears, raspberries, avocados, almonds, black beans, air-popped popcorn and pearled barley.

By incorporating more fiber into your diet, you will feel fuller. The beauty of fiber is that it has a slower digestion rate and is a power nutrient.

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