Parenting strategies for kids with attention issues
Being the parent of a child with attention difficulties can be frustrating and overwhelming. I see it on the faces of parents — the feeling of helplessness. But you can help your child become more successful in life.
Tips for helping your child
- Provide structure. A child with attention difficulties needs a structured environment to help him/her focus. For instance, make a daily schedule visible on a chalk or white board that the child can refer back to at home. Talk to your child’s teacher about implementing this at school.
- Help your child make a schedule. A schedule will help the child avoid procrastination.
- Repeat directions. Speak them, write them down and repeat them. Your child needs to hear things more than once.
- Memory is often a problem. Teach your child little tricks like mnemonics, using flashcards and making lists/notes. Such as HOMES for the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie and Superior.
- Break down large tasks into small tasks. This is critical. Large tasks quickly overwhelm the child and might cause emotional outbursts — “I’ll never be able to do that!”
- Set limits and boundaries. Do it consistently, predictably, promptly and plainly. Discipline can be maintained best by establishing a few consistent rules with immediate consequences whenever each rule is broken. Rules should be phrased positively in terms of what your child should do — “feet on the floor” instead of “get your feet off the couch.”
- Make frequent eye contact. You can “reel in” a child with eye contact.
- Monitor progress and provide feedback often. It will help your child stay on track and know what the expectations are.
- Seek out and emphasize success as much as possible. Your child loves encouragement. He/she drinks it up and grows from it.
- Use feedback that helps your child to become self-observant. “Do you know what you just did?” or “Why do you think that girl looked sad when you said that to her?”
- Take time to listen. Try to understand your child’s perspective.
- Use rewards and incentives. Find out what motivates/interests your child. It’s guaranteed to make chores and schoolwork easier and more productive.